
佐藤隆三著作集 第6巻

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タイトルコード 1000000631119
書誌種別 図書
著者名 佐藤隆三/著
出版者 [日本評論社]
出版年月 2016.12
ページ数 16,557p
大きさ 22cm
ISBN 978-4-535-06756-1
分類記号 330.8
書名 佐藤隆三著作集 第6巻
書名ヨミ サトウ リュウゾウ チョサクシュウ
多巻書名 The Selected Scientific Papers of Ryuzo Sato on Production,Technical Change and Dynamics
内容紹介 国際的な経済学者である佐藤隆三の代表的な作品を網羅した著作集。6は、この50年間に米大学の教授として執筆した、著者の専門分野である理論経済学の研究の成果ともいうべき論文をまとめる。
著者紹介 1931年秋田県生まれ。ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学大学院卒業(Ph.D.取得)。ニューヨーク大学C.V.スター財団冠講座経済学部名誉教授。静岡新聞客員論説委員。
件名1 経済学


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1 Unattainability of Integrability and Definiteness Conditions in the General Case of Demand for Money and Goods   3-19
Paul A.Samuelson/共著
2 Self‐Dual Preferences   20-35
3 Homothetic and Non‐Homothetic CES Production Functions   36-46
4 The Most General Class of CES Functions   47-51
5 CES Production Function   52-55
6 Diminishing Returns and Linear Homogeneity   Comment   56
7 On the Class of Separable Non‐Homethetic CES Functions   57-70
8 Production Functions with Variable Elasticity of Factor Substitution   Some Analysis and Testing   71-78
Ronald F.Hoffman/共著
9 Fiscal Policy in a Neo‐Classical Growth Model   An Analysis of Time Required for Equilibrating Adjustment   81-88
10 The Harrod-Domar Model vs the Neo‐Classical Growth Model   89-96
11 Factor Prices,Productivity,and Economic Growth   97-126
John W.Kendrick/共著
12 Stability Conditions in Two‐Sector Models of Economic Growth   127-137
13 Optimal Savings Policy When Labor Grows Endogenously   138-158
Eric G.Davis/共著
14 Population Growth and the Development of a Dual Economy   159-177
Yoshio Niho/共著
15 Shares and Growth under Factor‐Augmenting Technical Change   178-189
Martin J.Beckmann/共著
16 A Note on Scarcity of Specific Resources as a Limit to Output   A Correction   190-195
17 A Further Note on a Difference Equation Recurring in Growth Theory   196-203
18 Neutral Inventions and Production Functions   207-216
Martin J.Beckmann/共著
19 Neutral Inventions and Production Functions   An Addendum   217
Martin J.Beckmann/共著
20 The Estimation of Biased Technical Progress and the Production Function   218-247
21 Aggregate Production Functions and Types of Technical Progress   A Statistical Analysis   248-261
Martin J.Beckmann/共著
22 The Impact of Technical Change on the Holotheticity of Production Functions   262-271
23 Factor Price Variation and the Hicksian Hypothesis   A Microeconomic Model   272-285
Rama Ramachandran/共著
24 A Theory of Endogenous Technical Progress   Dynamic Böhm-Bawerk Effect and Optimal R&D Policy   286-307
Takayuki Nôno/共著
25 The Stability of the Solow-Swan Model with Biased Technical Change   308-313
26 A Model of Optimal Economic Growth with Endogenous Bias   314-331
27 A Three Sector Model of Endogenous Hicksian Bias   332-345
28 Estimation of Biased Technical Progress   346-376
Rama Ramachandran/共著 Youngduk Kim/共著
29 A Note on Modelling Endogenous Growth   377-384
30 Technical Change and International Competition   385-401
31 The Stability of the Competitive System which Contains Gross Complementary Goods   405-409
32 On the Stability Properties of Dynamic Economic Systems   410-421
33 The Stability of Oligopoly with Conjectural Variations   422-429
34 Substitutability,Complementarity and the Theory of Derived Demand   430-441
Tetsunori Koizumi/共著
35 Risk‐Adjusted Deposit Insurance for Japanese Banks   442-458
Rama Ramachandran/共著 Bohyong Kang/共著
36 Group(Lie Group)Theory   461-465
37 Lie Group Methods and the Theory of Estimating Total Productivity   466-489
38 Optimal Economic Growth   Test of Income/Wealth Conservation Laws in OECD Countries   490-513
39 Economic Conservation Laws as Indices of Corporate Performance   514-535
40 Evaluating Corporate Performance   Empirical Tests of a Conservation Law   536-546
41 Hartwick’s Rule and Economic Conservation Laws   547-557

